Driving to solutions that fit.
BIA is a global supplier of advanced test systems integrating a unique multi-disciplinary engineering and R&D team.
BIA has been collaborating over 50 years with various industries for both civilian and military applications.

Ground Vehicles
BIA’s worldwide reputation has been solidly established in the automotive industry. Military applications have completed the product range.

BIA has introduced the first fully computerized and automated ultrasonic inspection system for airplane engine in 1987.

Renewable Energy
In addition to testing components for pipelines, drilling and mining, BIA has widened its product portfolio to include wind energy R&D testing.

Civil Engineering
BIA has provided the tools researchers need to help improve the performance of structures.

BIA has supplied a full range of systems for testing prosthetic implants and limbs.

BIA has extended its product range with high-speed trains R&D testing (suspension, powertrain, catenary).
Our Solutions
BIA provides a comprehensive portfolio of cost-effective innovative solutions and high-end technologies.
The company maintains complete control of processes by housing its development, design and build operations.
Automotive Safety Testing
As a testing technology leader, BIA has paved the way to many pioneering technologies that have today become automotive testing standards. BIA has designed the most advanced and complete solutions for crash test including acceleration sleds and pedestrian impact simulation systems. These solutions fulfill all the international safety standards.
Engine & Powertrain Testing
BIA provides full range of solutions, including those for new energy vehicle. BIA exclusive bearing technology for high speed (more than 20000 rpm) and long-life dynamometers, make BIA solutions unparalleled in the world market. Also, to support the fast-growing development of hybrid/electric vehicles, BIA conceived and delivered the most advanced R&D platform and fully integrated solutions to safely carry out tests on electric vehicle batteries in all its forms: cells, modules, batteries as well as power electronics and ECUs. Those tests could be conducted under climatic conditions, vibrations while simulating charge-discharge cycles.
Vehicle Dynamics Testing
BIA has developped a full range of equipment to perform steering, brakes, wheel and tires, or suspensions testing.
BIA has also introduced state-of-the-art multi-poster test systems, fully integrated equipment for dynamic road simulation on complete vehicle.
Multi-Axis Simulation
BIA has developed advanced solutions and revolutionary multi-axis loading systems including patented servo-hydraulic and electric driven hexapods used in multi-axis vibration Tables and the HexaWheel series.
Components for Test Systems
To help accelerate the development process and get reliable test results, BIA provides a full range of hydraulic components, from a variety of high-performance hydraulic actuators to hydraulic power units, including service manifolds.
All of these components can be controlled all together with the BMC800,through UTM, BIA’s Universal Control software.
BIA has also introduced a full range of dynamometers to meet the evolving needs in the HEV development.
Environmental Test Chambers
BIA covers most of the domain needs, including temperature, humidity, solar radiation simulation, rain simulation and highly corrosive atmosphere simulation. BIA has a long-run experience in delivering test systems combining environmental simulation testing, such as its drive-in four-poster or its environmental simulation multi-axis tables.
Non Destructive Testing
BIA has also been a pioneer in the field of aerospace automated non-destructive testing equipment with its world first fully computerized and automated ultrasonic inspection system for airplane engine introduced since 1987.
Structures Testing
BIA was at the forefront of the NEESgrid development, and provides the tools researchers need to help improve the performance of structures.
Our Expertise
A unique multi-disciplinary engineering and R&D team to provide a combination of innovative, high-performance and cost-effective technology.
Controls Systems & Software Suite
- Multi-channel servo-controller
- Own developed software application
- Embedded real-time software
Mechanical Engineering
- 3DExperience
- Proprietary simulation tools

Power Electrical Engineering
- AC/DC/PM servo-motorized application, including high-dynamic regenerative systems
- Batteries integration and simulation
Transmission & Powertrain
- Asynchronous electric motor built in 1986
- High-speed/high-torque electric dynamometer for EV motors and powertrain delivered in 2011

Thermodynamic Systems
- Temperature, humidity, solar, rain simulation
- Battery test chambers comply with EUCAR hazard levels

Servo-Hydraulic Systems
- Servo hydraulic crash test systems
- Hydrostatic cylinders
- Hydrostatic and hybrid bearings (up to 25 m/s, up to 22000 rpm)

Multi-Axial Loading Systems
- Worldwide patented 6 DoF chassis dynamometer
- Multi-axis vibration actuators
- HexaWheel series

Non Destructive Equipment
- World first fully computerized and automated ultrasonic and eddy current inspection system for airplane engine (1987)