Non Destructive Testing

Ultrasonic Scanning Tank
Non-Destructive Testing for Aerospace Structures, Metal Plates and Composites
BIA has been a pioneer in the field of aerospace automated non-destructive testing equipment with its world first fully computerized and automated ultrasonic inspection system for airplane engine introduced in 1987.
Ultrasonic Scanning Tank
Non-Destructive Testing for Aerospace Structures, Metal Plates and Composites
BIA’s tank is used in production process, laboratory and maintenance operation to detect flaws, porosity, foreign objects, delamination, thickness deviation, out-of-plane waviness, in-plane waviness, on avionic structure elements (composites). It can detect flat bottom holes up to 0.2 mm, notches up to 0.10 x 10 mm or FBH at 45° axisymmetric metal plates.
Ultrasonic Scanning Tank
Non-Destructive Testing
for Engine Revolution Parts
Thanks to its high robustness, BIA’s tank is used especially in production process, laboratory and maintenance operation to detect flaws and materiel defects on engine parts (flat bottom holes up to 0.2 mm, notches up to 0.10 x 10 mm or FBH at 45° axisymmetric engine parts).