Multi-Axis Simulation

HexaWheel Series
BIA has developed advanced solutions and revolutionary multi-axis loading systems including patented servo-hydraulic and electric driven hexapods used in multi-axis vibration tables and the HexaWheel series.
The newly-developed test system can be used for quarter-car tests, axle and full vehicle tests. The HexaWheel control system can perform road load replications and can also be included in hardware/model in the loop (HIL/MIL) simulation.
Railway Applications
Elastomeric Part Testing
To improve understanding of components using elastomers in various forms and technologies, BIA has developed a test system capable of loading a specimen in six directions simultaneously, in a climate controlled environment.
Automotive Applications
Elastomeric Part Testing
The morphology of the patented six-axis actuator is unique, allows the capability of reaching 150 Hz high frequencies and offering high angular and linear strokes.
The innovative technology can control the loading in position / speed or force independently on each axis. It can also reproduce realistic loading as road load signals.
Railway Applications
Pantograph Catenary Testing
BIA has developped a solution based on his patented hexapod to test the performance of a pantograph on a catenary.
A replicate of a catenary has been designed and allows a tension adjustment, a manual vertical adjustment, a hydraulic vertical motion simulation, a motorized lateral motion simulation and 6x acquisition channels for integrated sensor by customer.
Automotive Applications
Dynamic Fuel Tank Testing
BIA has developed a dynamic fuel test system to perform dynamic tests on automotive fuel tanks with the ability to simulate real road conditions.
The behavior of the liquid fuel and the fuel tank itself can be tested and evaluated.
A fluids management system is filling up and emptying the tank according to a programmed consumption history.
Shock & Vibration Tables
Specimens whose failure is a direct result of vibration are usually tested on vibration tables. Rough roads, earthquakes, shaped random, shock or sine sweep signals are used to replicate the service environment.
The horizontal axis hydraulic actuator is embedded inside the vertical table providing the utmost compact design and no-frills layout.
Automotive Applications
Multi-Axis Simulation Table
This test system provides 6 DoF loads on the test specimen sub-system. It can simulate the heave, sway, surge, roll, pitch, and yaw accelerations.
Automotive Applications
Multi-Axis Tire-Coupled Road Simulator
The road simulator is avaible in single poster application to 6 DoF system, and can be coupled with HIL solutions for active component development.
Multiple Applications
Single-Axis Vibration Table
Pictured vertical vibration table was tailored for package tranportation testing.
Seismic Simulation
Single Axis Vibration Table
Pictured horizontal vibration table was designed to simulate earthquakes of various intensity.
Biomedical Test Systems
BIA provides test equipment to biomedical labs who are helping with the advancement of modern bionics that bring mobility back to individuals who have lost limbs, or have impeded use of their joints.
Biomedical systems are able to replicate the kinematics and kinetics of human joints and limbs for testing synthetic replacements.
Hip Wear Simulator
Complete Test System
BIA’s Hip Simulator was developed under direction of medical device manufacturers and orthopedic academics to simulate the complex kinematics and kinetics of the human hip in a physiological environment.
In accordance with ISO 14242-3 or ISO 14242-1.
Hip Wear Simulator
A typical hip simulator has four stations with three channels per station. Each channel has the ability to run an independent load profile under closed-loop control up to 1.5Hz.
Axial loads can be applied up to 4500N (1000lbs) on each channel combined while collecting axial torque data.
Knee Wear Simulator
Complete Test System
Running in accordance with ISO 14243 axial load or displacement control, an array of knee complexities can be studied by researchers and designers looking to extensively analyze the mechanical properties and materials tribology of their prosthetic hip designs.
Knee Wear Simulator
A typical knee simulator has six stations oriented in two series of three. Each station has the ability to run independently, with three controlled degrees of freedom: axial load, anterior/posterior translation, and internal/external rotation (axial torsion).
Ankle/Foot Simulator
BIA has developed an Ankle-Foot Prosthesis Simulator with innovative kinematics and controls technology that can accurately replicate the loading profile of a walking leg.
The servohydraulic two axis simulator uses closed loop displacement control for the angular movement of the tilting platform, and mixed mode control for the axial load.
ISO/DIS 22675.
Spine Simulator
Six degrees-of-freedom simulation are applied with mini hexapod tables to spine simulation.
The hexapod can rotate around any user-defined origin, to simulate a desired spine load and curvature, and any combination of the three loads and three moments can be reproduced in real time, using any arbitrary waveform shapes.
Efficient and accurate for spine implant tests.