Environmental Test Chambers

Custom-Designed Test Chambers
Sense City, the mini-city lab
BIA has developed an extensive range of custom-designed environmental test chambers combined with test systems, such as: drive-in four-poster, climatic multi-axis table, climatic emission lab in wind tunnel.
A full range of environmental conditions can be simulated: full spectrum solar simulation, rain, salt fog, hot/cold, humidity… These chambers can fit heavy-duty specimen.
Pictured Mini-city laboratory for sustainable cities is a 3200 m3 mobile climatic chamber with a 3-meter deep pit that can simulate temperature ranging from -10°C to +40°C, thermo-controlled ceiling from -10°C to +40°C independent of the temperature of the room, to give day/night or clear/cloudy type cycles, humidity and rain, sunshine and pollution (introduction of gaseous pollutants SO2, CO2 and NO2).
Drive-In Four-Poster
The highly customizable multi-axial four-poster test bench combines a drive-in chamber to simulate environmental conditions – with temperatures from -40°C to +80°C and relative humidity from 10% to 90% – and reproduce real road driving conditions.
Battery Test Chambers Laboratory
BIA covers most of the thermo-dynamic systems, including temperature, humidity, solar and rain simulation in highly secured environmental test chambers when related to electric vehicle batteries testing.
7650L Battery Test Chamber
7650L environmental test chamber for EV battery pack with a maximum hazard level of protection.
Insulation for temperature up to 1200°C.
Corrosion Technical Testing Center
A Testing Center located in France combining 16 drive-in chambers, ranging from 160 m³ to 260 m³.
Customized Test Chambers
This test system is an innovative solution to simulate different configurations of the engine driven components such as steering pump, alternator, A/C compressor, crankshaft pulley and rollers.